Vista's Post-Treatment Outcomes Research
Vista Research Group was created in September 2015 with a single purpose – to build an outcomes research system that accurately and cost-effectively measures the percentage of patients able to meet their drug and alcohol usage goals after addiction treatment.
Five years later, following a research protocol that complies with the Outcomes Research Standards created by Conquer Addiction’s panel of addiction treatment experts, Vista is able to report post-treatment outcomes results for more than 10,000 patients attending a wide variety of commercial addiction treatment programs across the U.S.
The good news is that Vista’s results show that high-quality abstinence-based commercial addiction treatment works:

The bad news is that the Vista’s post-treatment abstinence results are almost identical to those reported in the last federally-funded addiction treatment outcomes research in the early 1990s!

Fortunately, though, we now know how to improve. The experience of Vista Research Network members proves that Peter Drucker was right that “what gets measured gets managed”. Among the 17 treatment programs who’ve been tracking their post-treatment outcomes for more than a year, 14 (82%!) have better outcomes in Year 2 than in their first year. And Year 2 outcomes across this entire group are 20% better on average than those in Year 1:

Learn More About Vista's Outcomes Research:
Vista regularly publishes its results for the benefit of the entire treatment industry. Learnings from Three Years of Addiction Treatment Outcomes Research can be downloaded below:
Learn How MayreAnn Fayre from Turning Point uses Post-Treatment Outcomes to Grow