Helping Addiction Treatment Providers Deal with COVID-19

Helping Addiction Treatment Providers Deal with COVID-19

Joanna Conti
Last Updated:


First, I want to say thank you to everyone on the front lines who is continuing to provide excellent treatment to patients in these unprecedented times.  You have my unwavering admiration and gratitude.  Here are some resources I hope you'll find helpful:

1.     For centers moving to telehealth, the real-time, in-depth information that INSIGHT Addiction & INSIGHT Behavioral provides about how patients are feeling will be even more useful for clinicians who are no longer face-to-face with their patients.  Most centers are already sending update survey requests to patients via text and email.  You can enroll patients in INSIGHT remotely by clicking the copy icon next to "New Patient" on the survey link page for their clinician and emailing the link to the patient.

2.     We've added a few questions to INSIGHT's update surveys so you can get a quick read on how each patient has been impacted by COVID-19 to date.  See patient responses by clicking on "See Data" under their "Data Submissions" tab and scrolling down to the Quality of Relationships section.

God bless you, and please let us know any other ways we can help.

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