Introducing State-of-the-Art Outcomes Research for OBOTs and OTPs

Introducing State-of-the-Art Outcomes Research for OBOTs and OTPs

Joanna Conti
Last Updated:


As payers move inexorably towards value-based reimbursement, many OBOTs, OTPs, and telehealth-based medication-assisted treatment providers are being asked for something new -- outcomes research that proves how effective their treatment is.

Vista Research Group, the gold standard since 2016 in outcomes research for therapy-based addiction treatment centers, has been preparing for this moment for years.  We’ve used our learnings from monitoring over 80,000 patients during treatment and following up with more than 28,000 patients after discharge to design an integrated outcomes research program specifically for medication-assisted treatment providers.


Outcomes Research Made Easy


Vista is a research company whose sole mission is to provide the data treatment centers need to help more patients recover from addiction.  Not only will INSIGHT 20/20 provide OBOTs and OTPs with easy-to-understand graphs showing how your patients are progressing during treatment, but we’ll also follow up with a random selection of your patients who leave treatment throughout the following year to learn how they’re doing.   This will allow Vista to fully demonstrate the impact your treatment is having on patients and to benchmark your performance against other MAT centers.

Vista’s research is unique in many ways:

  • All data is patient reported online and instantly displayed on a patient dashboard, thus minimizing the amount of staff time involved in data collection.
  • We’ve systematized the collection of post-treatment outcomes so effectively that we’re typically able to reach 45% to 60% of patients up to a year after they leave treatment.
  • In accordance with harm reduction philosophy, we’ll judge whether treatment has been a success for a patient by comparing their substance use against the goals they set themselves. For example, if a long-time heroin user sets a goal of never using opioids again but considers moderate alcohol or marijuana usage to be OK, we’ll judge their treatment success six or twelve months later against these goals.  
  • Our data analytics platform allows OBOT and OTP managers to analyze up to 65 patient-reported metrics by location, by program, by payer, and by time period.  

The outcomes data you'll receive will help your team improve retention and individualize care.  Additionally, Vista's third-party validation of the effectiveness of your treatment will set you apart from your competition. Learn more about the key benefits: 


Monitor & Improve Treatment Retention


By tracking patient feelings and behaviors throughout treatment, your team can pick up warning signs that a patient is at high risk of dropping out of treatment.  Increases in cravings or use of unacceptable substances are both danger signs, as are decreased satisfaction with their medication or with treatment itself. These measures are displayed in real-time on patient’s dashboards:

MAT Pending AMA


Your team will also find the open-ended comments patients make on Vista’s surveys quite informative:

Open-ended comments patients make on Vista's surveys quite informative


Vista’s data analytics platform, which is updated nightly, will allow your managers to analyze retention in treatment by location, by clinician, by payer, and by time period:

Treatment Retention


Individualize Treatment by Monitoring

Co-Occurring Disorders


Because so many individuals with mental disorders use substances to self-medicate, Vista identifies patients struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other common co-occurring disorders and tracks the severity of their symptoms throughout treatment. Your clinician can use this information to personalize the treatment plan for each patient:

Anxiety Symptoms


Show Payers & Prospective Patients How Effective Your Treatment Is


In addition to providing your team with the data they need to help your patients get better faster, you will receive an annual outcomes research report showing the impact your treatment has had on your patients’ lives.

This comprehensive report will showcase the improvement in your patients’ quality of life in areas such as being gainfully employed, living in stable housing, feeling good overall, and getting along well with their closest family members:

Living in Stable Housing


It will also detail the percentage of your patients who are achieving their drug and alcohol usage goals one year after starting treatment, whether they are still in treatment or not:

Patients Meeting Self-Defined Drug/Alcohol Usage Goals One Year After Starting Treatment

Percent of Patient Meeting Drug/Alcohol Goals:  36%


Finally, you’ll be able to show payers how much money the treatment you provided saved them by reducing the number of expensive medical interventions, such as trips to the emergency room or unplanned hospital stays, that your patients took:

Number of Expensive Medical Interventions


Try Vista’s Outcomes Research for (Almost) Free!

We’re offering a 90 Day Challenge to six OBOTs and OTPs who sign up by September 30. You'll get to use Vista's complete research program between now and the end of the year for one incredible low price:  

Only $999!
Between now and Dec. 31, 2023


We'll customize our software for your center, train your staff in how to use it, monitor your patients, follow up post-discharge with a sample of patients who leave treatment, and share key findings (such as how your retention compares to the average for other centers) with your leadership team at the end of the year. We’ll also lock in your monthly fee for Vista’s during-treatment patient monitoring at an extremely-low introductory rate for the next two years.

Wondering what the catch is?  We don’t believe in catches. If your team doesn’t find the information Vista provides game-changing, you can cancel with 30 days notice and owe nothing more.

Let's get started!

Click Here to Book a Discovery Call Now!


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